Empowering Mompreneurs & Boss Babes to Level Up Their Business & Create Their Ideal Work-Life Balance.

We teach you how to MIND your business, your time and your personal life so that you can actually reap the benefits of all the hard work you input every day.

Invest in yourself, in your business and in your family and start making shifts that can dramatically change your life in just months, or even weeks!

Women have a tendency to put themselves last on the list, but that system is counterproductive when we are holding so much down! The cost is too great for the whole team when we do not invest in ourselves. It’s incredible to witness what we are truly capable of when we are willing to prioritize our own growth!

“When we rise, they all do too”

At Dr. Drea Coaching, We Say NO To:

  • Burnout

  • Mom Guilt

  • Endless To-Do Lists

  • People Pleasing

  • Disorganization

  • Procrastination

  • Over-Compromising

  • Imposter Syndrome

  • Fear of Failure

You will learn to master your schedule, delegate tasks, and prioritize quality time for yourself, while also managing to increase your productivity and success. We will redesign a lifestyle that best matches your values and priorities. In this program, we see total fulfillment as an option. We choose it. We create it. We live it.

Let’s make it happen!

In Dr. Drea


We Learn

  • Business Start-up Resources and Basics

  • Assertive Communication Training

  • Boundary Audits & re-establishment for personal and business life (including your littles)

  • Stress reduction hacks and distress tolerance techniques

  • Thought retraining to improve mindset to work FOR you, instead of against you

  • Mindful mommying techniques for improved connection and satisfaction with parenting

  • Behavior modification techniques to create new habits that accelerate productivity

  • Schedule restructuring to reduce procrastination and time management hacks

  • Self-care habits and unconventional techniques to take care of you throughout the day

  • And MORE

This Is A Proven Program That Works! 

Dr. Drea has well over a decade of experience helping women overcome their fears, invest in themselves, and level-up. As a clinical psychologist, she has extensive expertise in human thoughts, emotions, and behavior and has successfully channeled all her knowledge and experience into her successful coaching programs. 

Together, we establish a lifestyle of true fulfillment.

“You don’t have to do it all, to have it all”

Now Offering

1:1 Business Empowerment Coaching

In this 90-day program, we collaboratively explore all the areas of your business and personal life. We recognize the areas in need of growth, identify current barriers hindering progress, and strategically implement a new plan of action to meet your goals.

This time can be more intensely focused on particular areas you are concerned with, but we will also assess the overall situation(s) to maintain priority on leveraging a higher income while still securing a fulfilling work/life balance. 

1:1 Budding Boss Babe Bootcamp

This is a 90 Day program, specifically for business women in the early stages of bossville. Maybe you’ve taken some steps and actually launched; Maybe you’ve been stuck in analysis paralysis planning and haven’t yet taken the leap.

Together we dive deep into your business plans and goals. We work together to clean up your vision to have razor focus. You will establish a specific roadmap to success with actionable steps and deadlines to move the needle and start actualizing your goals. 

Boss Babe Breakthrough Mini Intensive

This is a 2 hour intensive breakthrough session to audit a particular area of concern to gain clarity on current barriers in order to revise future strategy.

Mompreneur Mayhem Mini Intensive

This is a 2 hour intensive breakthrough session to specifically assist with the challenges surrounding Mom Entrepreneurs. Common topics assessed here (but not limited to) include balancing work/motherhood time management, mom-guilt, resources and hacks for mom founders.

We evaluate a specific issue, identify the conflicts that are keeping you stuck and learn what is required to move into a better space.

  • "I am so glad that I took the leap and started working with Dr Drea! My business has almost doubled in revenue over this past year! She helped me see my weaknesses and helped me hold myself accountable for change, especially with boundaries! I am coordinating better with my husband, enjoying my time more with my kids and the progress I have made with my self-esteem and confidence is invaluable! This was so worth it! Highly recommend!"

    - D.B

  • "Dr. Drea helped me see how badly fear of failure and people pleasing interfered with my life. Confronting these things wasn’t easy, but she is so supportive and resourceful! I finally believe that my dreams can come true and now I am certainly on the path to getting there! She has completely guided me through starting my own company! This investment has created incredible change in my life! ! She is the best!"

    - M.S

  • "Dr. Andrea is honestly the best! She was not only able to relate to me in so many ways and make me comfortable enough to be open with her, she was able to be transparent, unbiased and impartial with everything. It was a very tough journey for me despite wanting to progress and I dreaded the confrontation with the issues I had. She helped me through everything, my relationship with my ex, my family and especially with myself. As a life coach she truly is a great definition of the title. My career has since only developed and grown because of her teachings. My self-standard has also grown and now because of it, I’m now in a beautiful version of my life that Dr. Andrea helped me build. I’m so grateful for her!"

    - C.R